What is green revolution ?

     Q . What is green revolution???

Green Revolution


        => Developed countries in the global community, where as a result of the Industrial Revolution, the steps of success have been mounting, while developing countries are dependent on agriculture for this work. In the traditional farming techniques, the Green Revolution had made major changes, due to which agriculture got out of one profession and came into the category of industry. The Green Revolution launched in India paved the way for other different revolutions. But very little is known about what is actually the Green Revolution and where it was born. Let's try to know a bit more about the Green Revolution:

Meaning and History of Green Revolution:

Green Revolution was used in the agricultural sector in developing countries during the period of 1940 and 1960. At this time, traditional methods of agriculture were emphasized on the use of modern technology and equipment. As a result, attempts were made to increase agricultural production, whose strange effects began to appear. Through the continuous research in the agricultural sector, changes in traditional farming techniques started to make basic changes. Originally known as the American agricultural scientist Norman Borlaug, the father of the Green Revolution After World War II, they made the move towards development, through Japan, through the transformation of agricultural techniques, they built them on the path of rebuilding. For this, he not only used the latest technology along with new and developed and processed seeds for crops. The arrangement of modern equipment for irrigation, artificial manure and developed insect killers and various latest equipment and machines from seed to final product is considered as the result of Green Revolution.

Flags of Green Revolution:

Norman Borlog, who is also called the father of the Green Revolution, is involved in carrying forward the efforts of various organizations and researchers. In 1960, the International Paddy Research Institute of the Philippines, which was formed jointly with the Rockefeller and Ford Foundation, is considered to be at the forefront of this work. As a result of their efforts, advanced varieties of fruits could easily be produced in the non-Soviet countries spread across the USA, Asia, North Africa etc. along with the Philippines, Indonesia, Pakistan, Sri Lanka.

Revolutionary results of Green Revolution:

In the vast majority of the world, the Green Revolution started showing an inauspicious revolutionary outcome. Developing countries have made the production of the highest and the highest crop successful in a short space. The construction of new and developed seeds started, which proved themselves capable of protecting themselves from pests. To maintain the fertility of the land in Samanitary, two different crops were cultivated in one year. But this tradition was also redesigned as a result of the Green Revolution, and in the year of the same land and a crop two times the process was made possible.

Green Revolution in India:

In 1965, Shri C. Subrahmanyam, the then Agriculture Minister of India, did the Green Revolution by importing wheat seeds from advanced technology. In addition to this, he gave agricultural status to industry and coordinated the industrial technology and equipment. The construction of enough canals and wells for irrigation, and the farmers have been provided with the right price of the crop as well as arranging for proper storage of their produce.


Milan Tomic

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